Quality Assurance & Higher Education Coordinating Unit


  • Deputy Director: Quality Assurance and Higher Education Coordinating Unit
  • Two Chief Higher Education Officers Grade 5
  • Seven Senior Higher Education Officers Grade 6

Contact: QA@nche.org.na


The Quality Assurance and Higher Education Coordinating Unit is responsible for:

  • Coordinating the implementation of the Quality Assurance System for Higher Education in Namibia.
  • Administering the Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions as delegated to NCHE by the Registrar of Higher Education Institutions.
  • Undertaking research with regard to NCHE objects as it may be necessary.
  • Promoting and ensuring recognition of credit transfer among Higher Education Institutions and articulation of qualifications, thereof.
  • Promoting the internationalisation of the Namibian Higher Education landscape.