HEMIS is an information management system that allows for production and analysis of higher education statistics in order to assess the status of higher education in Namibia. The data collected from both public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is used for the production and publication of the Namibia Higher Education Statistical Yearbook (NHESY). The NHESY contains information on student enrolment, which is disaggregated by a wide range of indicators, but also includes examination results and staff member’s characteristics. Furthermore, NCHE uses the data to prepare budget proposals for public HEIs, and to coordinate public HEIs Tuition Fees.
HEMIS supports evidence-based planning for the higher education system. The data is also used for Monitoring and Evaluation purposes and to substantiate national and international plans and programmes such as Ministerial Strategic plans, NDP5 biannual progress reports, SADC annual report, African Union CESA 2016-24 report, UNESCO (UIS) Data collection and SDG's annual report.